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1. "International College" Ltd. - Dobrich
2. Association "International Management Institute" - Varna
3. "Ekotel" Ltd. – Dobrich
4. International University College – Dobrich and Varna
5. "E-Tours" Ltd. - Varna and Dobrich
6. "HRC Culinary Academy Bulgaria" Ltd. - Sofia and Dobrich
7. Accounting firm "Inter" Ltd. - Varna and Dobrich
8. Private High School of Tourism and Entrepreneurship "Rayko Tsonchev" - Dobrich
9. "Akristo" Ltd. - Varna
10. Sole trader "Adventure - Teodora Dimitrova" - Semertsi village, Antonovo

Members (affiliated since the beginning of the project)

1. "Eurotour" Ltd. - Varna
2. Sole trader "SIMPEX - SN - Stoyan Dimitrov" - Varna
3. "SANEX" Ltd. - Varna
(of the project proposal)

1. "International College" Ltd - Dobrich is a trading structure, specialized in vocational training and management in tourism. Vocational Training Centre to "International College" Ltd. is a modern and well-established institution with an innovative approach to the training of young people and adults, based on years of experience and tradition, internationally recognized good policies and practices. It is licensed under Article 22, Paragraph 6 of the Law on Vocational Education and Training by the Governing Board of the National Agency (License № 20041215). The center provides vocational training for acquiring professional qualification, additional qualification and prequalification in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Bulgaria, the international standards and the business needs in 30 occupations and 70 subjects, licensed by the National Agency. Training facilities are located in Varna, Dobrich, Sofia, Burgas and Sofia.
The center is known as a high quality provider of training services and is a preferred partner of many employers. The center pursues to track all market trends and to respond adequately to the needs of trainees and employers by providing them with highly practical oriented training.
"International College" Ltd. supports various initiatives to introduce new teaching methods, adapting the leading European practices in the learning process and to improve the quality of human resources and the state of the labor market.
As part of its business activities "International College" Ltd. successfully manages restaurant "Albena" (150 seats) and the complex "Summer Theatre" ( consisting of two restaurants and a summer complex - a cocktail bar and barbecue, hotel rooms and open-air theater with 2,000 spectator seats on an area of 6 acres) in Dobrich, which serve as a base for practical training in all key occupations in the tourism sector.
2. "International Management Institute" - Varna is an successful model of public-private partnership established in 1993, integrating organizations with a very wide range - trading corporations, non-profit organizations and individuals, united by the idea of improving the quality of life and education in accordance with European trends and policies for sustainable development. Initially, the association operates on the territory of Dobrich and from January 2012, with a view to business expansion the residence of a company and address of management were moved to Varna.
The main directions in which the association operates, are to promote the initiative, education and active participation of young people in economic and social life. International Institute of Management (IIM) pays particular attention to activities directed at supporting people with fewer opportunities - vulnerable groups, people with special needs and at-risk groups.
IIM is distinguished by the following achievements: developed and implemented various types and nature of initiatives, carried out over 15 national and international projects on programs within the European Union and World Bank, trained over 500 representatives of public administration of the Republic of Bulgaria; trained over 1,000 young people and young leaders through targeted projects and initiatives, developed over 100 analysis, strategies, training methodologies and applied scientific researches, developed over 20 thematic training programs for qualification improvement in various fields of science and public life, and more.
3. "Ekotel" - Dobrich is a company specializing in the management and operation of hotels and restaurant facilities, and in the implementation of other types of tourism and business. The company exists since 2002 and has built a good reputation and position in the tourism sector. It has the capacity to assist in the creation and promotion of new practices, high performance products and services in the field of tourism, and to makes the necessary relevant consulting, focused on AKIG and on representatives of SMEs.
4. International University College (IUC) is an independent private higher education institution specialized to train specialists in the tourism sector, management and information technology. "International University College" has its origins in September 1992 when under the Bulgarian-Dutch project PSO established in 1991 for cooperation between the Dutch government and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, launched a two-year course at the resort Albena for training of about 20 students in "Hotel Management" specialty. On 2 April 1998 the Accreditation Council of National Agency for Assessment and Accreditation granted initial institutional accreditation of IUC. Subsequently, the new higher education institution was approved by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria by ordinance from 23.08.1998 and officially opened with resolution from the National Assembly on May 5, 1999, published in State Gazette with issue number 44/99.
In 2009 the "International University College" became a strategic partner in Eastern Europe for one of the most prestigious British universities - Cardiff Metropolitan University (UWIC). Since 2010 to the college it operates and the Center for Entrepreneurship, which supports relationships with business and the realization of the best and most interesting business plans, created by students. The higher school actively participates in the "Erasmus" and the mobility of teaching and administrative staff are an important mechanism for quality improving of educational services. It also provides an opportunity to exchange of best practices and replication and implementation of innovative processes in academic activities and management. IUC is part of the Academic Network "Erasmus", which includes 39 universities and research institutes from 32 countries of the EU and EFTA.
High quality training and excellent professional preparation of graduates are recognized by the labor market, which puts IUC in the list of the best business schools in the world to the ranking of Eduniversal Ranking (http://www.eduniversal-ranking.com).
The curriculum of the IUC are vocationally oriented, emphasizing the practical skills and seek to respond directly to the needs and expectations of the business. Lecturers and experts in IUC develop a number of studies in the field of tourism, entrepreneurship and economy and perform applied researches and elaborations for the benefit of the business. IUC issues periodic international interdisciplinary scientific journal in English - European Journal of Tourism Research, which publishes researches in all fields of knowledge related to tourism (management, marketing, sociology, psychology, geography, political science, mathematics and statistics, information technology, etc.). Via video-conference training teachers from BAS and leading executives in the business export remote lectures to students. The use of modern teaching methods and the adaptation of the curriculum in line with current trends in the labor market are an integral part of academic activity and a priority in the management processes of the university. In its long-term development the University has initiated a number of activities to promote the receipt of additional knowledge and improving the skills and competencies of human resources.
5. "E-Tours" Ltd. – Dobrich carries out tour operator and tour agency activities (State registration for tour operator # PKK-01-6244), promotion and sale of complex and subsidiary tourist services through owned or leased facilities, marketing services and more. The main areas in which the company realized itself are:
• Organizing of group and individual tours and travels in Bulgaria and abroad;
• Sale of airline tickets for destinations around the world;
• Sale of bus tickets to various destinations in the country and abroad;
• Organization of school programs - trips, vacations, white and green schools, sea and mountain camps and excursions to teach foreign languages;
• Individual and group hotel reservations;
• Offering guide services;
• Organizing of corporate, convention and business travel and training in the country;
• Organizing of transfers in Bulgaria and abroad.
6. "HRC Culinary Academy Bulgaria" Ltd. is Bulgarian-Dutch company specialized in the field of gastronomy and the culinary arts. Through the Center for Vocational Training in the field of cooking that has created and licensed by the National Agency for Vocational Education and Training - Sofia, it carries out training for the acquisition of third degree in the profession "chef." The main activity of the company is to ensure the functioning of the Culinary Academy. Material and technical base and capacity of the Culinary Academy are used as a resource for conducting practical training of students and to conduct culinary competitions and contests, as Lord of the Chefs. The Academy has restaurant base, located in the building of the "International University College" - Dobrich. It manages a restaurant in Sofia, where students conduct practice in training.
HRC Culinary Academy offers high quality culinary education at a global level, classes are taught by certified master - chefs from around the world. The trainning base provides a realistic environment similar to that of first-class hotels and restaurants. Professional internships in the industry that HRC offers, provide an opportunity to work and practice with some of the best chefs from hotels and restaurants in Europe and the U.S. Students have individual jobs, equipped with modern facilities and resources. The cuisine and the sophisticated restaurant create a realistic environment for theoretical and practical training in gastronomy at à la carte restaurant. Going through all specialized sectors in the kitchen, students are trained to prepare meals in a real environment. "Culinary theater" functions as a show - kitchen equipped with the latest multimedia technology and enabling distance learning and presentations. To make the fully gastronomic experience, the academy has its own cellar used for wine, beverages and cheese.
In 2011, HRC hosted the Bulgarian format of world-famous "Lord of the Chefs". Culinary Academy HRC received a special award for "A significant contribution to development and training of staff in the field of culinary arts in Bulgaria", presented during the ceremony in the annual awards of the Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association for 2011.
The culinary academy as a high quality educational institution has attracted the attention of many young people from Bulgaria and the world.
7. Accounting firm "Inter" Ltd. with offices in Dobrich and Varna, is a specialized financial and consulting firm that provides financial accountancy consultations and conducts audits under the Accounting Law of the Republic of Bulgaria. Services offered by the company include a set and recruitment, motivation and staff development, consulting in the field of human resource management, accounting and payroll services, training. From its establishment until today, the agency has successfully implemented projects for the recruitment of Bulgarian and foreign clients from various industries, and financial advisory projects and development of a package of documents for the financing of firms in tourism, hospitality, marketing and trade.
8. Private High School of Tourism and Entrepreneurship "Rayko Tsonchev" – Dobrich was established by the order of the Minister of Education № RD 14-238/17.07.2007. The high school offers training in tourism and entrepreneurship with accession to a degree of specialized secondary education. The high school brings the spirit and traditions inherited from an entrepreneur from Dobrich, public figure, donator and partisan for practice-oriented education from the beginning of the XX century, Rayko Tsonchev. School provides education from VIII to XII grade with Tourism and Entrepreneurship profile, and the first preparatory year and involves intensive study of English. In the next school years subjects are taught in English: Fundamentals of tourism, Geography of tourism with culturology, Ecotourism, Tourism Management, Geography and economy, Marketing and Advertising, Company Management, Geography and Economics. Graduates receive a high school diploma and on entrance into "International University College" it is recognizing their partial credit for some of these disciplines under a pilot methodology for validation.
9. "Akristo" Ltd. – Varna is a trading company based and operating in Varna. The main activity of the company is in the field of information technology, the basic services it offers are development and maintenance of dynamic websites, e-marketing and e-commerce. The company is oriented to the continual introduction of new services in its portfolio, including innovative ones. Through the capabilities of modern technology, the company provides consultancy and brokerage services to small and medium businesses throughout the country.

11. Sole trader "Adventure - Teodora Dimitrova" was established in 2009 and carried out tourism activities - mainly concentrated on the territory of the Municipality of Targovishte, and consulting activities - mainly concentrated on the territory of the Northeast planning region.
The company is experienced in the following areas:
• Management and administration of tourist sites providing services in the areas of family, rural and alternative tourism;
• Organizing events;
• Activities in the field of electronic marketing, including development and maintenance of websites;
• Design, prepress and production of information and advertising materials and more.
Sole trader "Adventure - Teodora Dimitrova" has established links with local media, initiative groups and local authorities, which give to it an advantage as an organizer of all kinds of events in the territory of Targovishte, including: press conferences seminars, workshops, round table discussions etc.
Sole trader "Adventure - Teodora Dimitrova" joined the cluster AKIG in the second half of 2012. "Adventure" additionally expanded the geographical coverage of the cluster and contributed to the wider spread of information about cluster activities in the territory of northeastern Bulgaria.
11. "Eurotour" Ltd. is a licensed travel agency and tour operator, established in 1999 in Varna. It organizes sales of travels to local and foreign citizens designed to relaxation, vacation and other forms of leisure and entertainment in its own facility, or performs brokerage services for the sale of tourist and other services in material and technical basis to other companies, resorts and restaurants. The company manages the hotel "Temida" in the resort Golden Sands.
"EUROTOUR" Ltd. has proven traditions in organizing travels, holidays and excursions in Bulgaria for tourists from Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus and other CIS countries. The company is a main organizer and sponsor of the annual International Youth Festival "Starry Rainbow" for dance and music art, which is part of the cultural calendar of Varna Municipality.
"Eurotour" is a member of cluster AKIG from 19.03.2013. The company contributes to the development of the cluster through its experience in organizing the stay of foreign tourists in Bulgaria and in the organization of international cultural events that presumably include the presentation of local culinary traditions and hospitality. Customers of "Eurotur" Ltd. are among the potential customers of new services for culinary and hospitality, offered by the members of AKIG.
12. Sole trader "Simpex - SN - Stoyan Dimitrov" – Varna is registered in the Municipality of Antonovo, Targovishte district, but performs operations on the territory of Varna and Dobrich. The main activity is in the field of technology and technological equipment of restaurants, design and delivery of computer equipment, programming, web maintenance. The firm serves many companies in the field of tourism - hotels and restaurants - and multiplies successfully the activities of the cluster among its customers. It is a member of the cluster AKIG from 19.03.2013.

12. "Sanex" Ltd. was established in 1996 in Varna, in order to contribute to the development of small and medium business. The company offers a set of specialized business services that every company with potential for development needs, but it is more cost-effective to outsource to an external executer. The company offers a wide range of business advisory services, as its activity is focused in the following areas:
• accounting, tax, labor and social security advice and services;
• starting a new business - an assessment of the viability of the business idea or venture, company registration and complete assistance and guidance on the regulations and requirements for starting a business;
• starting a business in Bulgaria by foreign citizens - full assistance and advice;
• assistance in the preparation of business plans and business analysis; selection and preparation of documents for tender, marketing, advertising and public relations, preparation of management systems and more.
The main customers of "Sanex" Ltd. are companies that provide travel services on the territory of Bulgaria. "Sanex" is a member of the cluster AKIG from 03.19.2013.

Each member of the cluster Association "Culinary Arts and Hospitality" performs different types of operations in the chain of activities in the field of gastronomy, hospitality and tourism, thereby contributes to the development of the main areas of progress in this type of business.
Networking organizations in a cluster is a prerequisite for generating more value to the services and products offered by each organization and as a result, improvement of overall performance of the priority sectors of tourism at local and regional level.
Organizations include the following specific activities oriented to tourism sector to the development of which can have a positive effect as a result of successful work in the cluster:
• education – secondary (PHSTE "Rayko Tsonchev"), vocational (International College ltd. and HRC Culinary Academy) and higher (International University College);
• Tour operator and tour agency activities – „E-Tours" и "Eurotour";
• Hotels and restaurants – „Ekotel", International College ltd., "Eurotour" and "Adventure – Teodora Dimitrova";
• Culinary and production of culinary products – HRC Culinary Academy and International College ltd.;
• Counseling and associated services in marketing, information technology, staffing and accounting services – "Inter" Ltd., "Akristo", "Adventure – Teodora Dimitrova", "SIMPEX - SN - Stoyan Dimitrov" and "SANEX" Ltd.
AKIG is a self-organizing system in which firms cooperate in vertical or horizontal "chains" to provide additional added value and increase competitiveness. The activity of each participant in the Association covers important level in the development and marketing of tourism and culinary services and products. By combining its expertise, organizations ensure effective implementation of the objectives of the cluster and co-operation, and as a result - improving the quality of services, creation of products and services with high added value and generating.

February 2025
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Tourist information

  • Tours in Bulgaria - VisitBulgariaOn.com

    VisitBulgariaOn.com is a product of VIP-Sliven Ltd - tour operator and travel agent with license number PK-01-6616 in the Bulgarian legislation. The tour operator is one of the pioneers to promote Bulgaria abroad.

    For more information please visit us at www.VisitBulgariaOn.com

  • Regional History Museum Dobrich

    9300 Dobrich, 18D-r K. Stoilov Str., Tel.Fax 00359/58/603 256, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Monday to Sunday (1 May – 30 September) 8.00 a.m. – 17.30 p.m.

    Monday to Friday (1 October – 30 April) 8.30 a.m. – 17.00 p.m.
    Saturday and Sunday, on preliminary order.

    1. For visiting one Museum:
    Adults 2.00 lv.
    Children over 6 years, pupils and students 1.00 lv.

    2. For one tourist route:
    Adults 4.00 lv.
    Children over 6 years, pupils and students 2.00 lv.

    4.Guided tour 12.00 lv.

Official tourism site of Bulgaria